Laurie Morin

Laurie Morin

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been a spiritual seeker and an idealist. Even before I started college, I vowed that I would always be true to myself and that I would use my talents and abilities to make a difference in the world.

That vow was with me when I ran off to live in a commune. It was with me when I joined an ashram and gave away all my worldly possessions. It was even with me when I finally finished my formal education and settled into my career as a law professor. Even after decades of teaching and practicing law, I never gave up seeking, and I never forgot my personal declaration to make a difference in the world.

Well, hardly ever. Until about seven years ago, that is, when a crisis of the soul turned into the wake-up call of a lifetime.

It started when I accepted a promotion that I knew in my heart was not right for me. Everyone said, “It’s perfect for you, Laurie — do it!

My heart was drowned out by other voices. Voices of people I loved and respected. Voices of people who were important to me. So I did it. I did it for them. I did it because I believed them. Because they said it was perfect for me. Because they said they needed me.

I did it for the wrong reasons, and I paid the price. I stayed stuck in that job for four years. Worse yet, I stayed stuck in that mindset of pleasing other people, ignoring the voice of my heart.

But gradually the voice of my heart became louder and more insistent. Finally it wound up screaming at me: “Laurie, what are you doing? What happened to your valued? What happened to your vow to use your talents to make a difference in the world?”

Only when the crisis reached serious proportions did I realize how far off my true path I’d allowed myself to go. Only when my health began to decline and my inner voice had become unbearable did I begin to take action to correct course.

Long story short, I finally listened to my heart, gave up the promotion and went back to teaching.  I founded the Gender Justice Project to carry out my life-long commitment to fighting for women’s rights. And I spent time learning and preparing for an entirely new career. 

With the help of some terrific coaches, I was able to reinvent myself – aligning my career with my new vision of the contribution I wanted to make in the world. That was the beginning of my career as a global coach and retreat leader. 

Together with my friend and life partner Denise D’Amour, who shares my quest for making a difference while having fun, I’m building this beautiful new business. Today, I share my passion for travel and transformation through life coaching and leading retreats to some of the most beautiful spiritual sites around the world.

All my life, I’ve loved learning, growing, and changing. Now I love inspiring others to grow and change – and especially inspiring them to follow their hearts!

Over the years, most of my students and clients have had one thing in common — a dream of creating something much bigger than themselves, something that would have a positive impact on their lives, their families, and their communities. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of them. And if so, I’m inviting you to join me for the exploration of a lifetime!

Bottom line: I’ve been and done a lot of things in my life. Today, in addition to practicing law, I’m practicing life. I’m a certified Passion Test and Passion Project facilitator, a certified Oracle Card reader, among other things. But most of what I am — and most of what I have to share — comes not from any credentials or degrees but from hard-won wisdom and experience over the course of an amazing and adventurous life. I’m guessing it’s a little like that with you, too.

So if my story resonates with you, why not join me on this fabulous, ongoing journey of a lifetime?

Denise D'Amour

Denise D'Amour

I became a lawyer with all the enthusiastic idealism of the baby-boomer times.  When reality set in, I went back to my entrepreneur roots (my family has been in the grocery store business for 75 years) and opened a bicycle shop which I operated for 17 years until I recently sold it.  You may be wondering, “Bicycle shop?  How did THAT happen? ”

Well, during a period of disillusion, I decided to channel my efforts to training for a charity bike ride from Philadelphia to DC.  I didn’t own a bike so I borrowed one from a friend who is a good foot taller than me.  I could barely reach the shifters.  Undaunted, I bought my own bike and rode the 250 miles in 3 days.  It was exhilarating and I was hooked!

I started the bike shop in the same location that had been a bike shop for many years with the help of a man whose own store was closing.  I made all the mistakes and endured all the ups and downs of a brick and mortar retail business during my 17 years.  I also learned a lot, met some wonderful people, and managed to sell my store as a going concern.

Last June I became certified as a Passion Test facilitator to help people discover and live their passions and in the process, I found mine.  Just as I had been after the charity bike ride, I was hooked!  That’s why I’ve teamed up with Laurie in  Sheroe’s Journeys to lend MY passion to our new venture.

We started Sheroes’ Journeys to share our experience as business and professional women who have had successful careers.  Yet, at a certain point in our lives, we found ourselves wanting more deep connection and personal fulfillment. Talking with friends, we soon discovered that many women of our generation feel the same way.

We have spent our lives serving others, taking care of our families, and nurturing successful careers… but we have lost something of ourselves in the process. We believe that now is the time to put ourselves first, rekindle unfulfilled dreams, and start living an authentic life.