Want to Live a More Passionate, Joyful Life?
Join us for a proven system to discover and align with your Top 5 Passions to put yourself on your own personal path to fulfilling your ultimate purpose or destiny.

Are you feeling stuck, bored, or unfulfilled in your life and work?
Do you feel like there must be something more, but you’re not sure what it is?
What if we told you there is a proven way to find the missing ingredient that would give your life more pizzaz?
The Passion Test is a fun, simple process designed to help you identify, actualize and even monetize the things you would love to have most in your life, those things that would lead you to living your IDEAL life in all aspects all the time – those things that bring you love, joy, excitement and SET YOU ON FIRE!
We took the Passion Test Facilitator training in 2016, and it has completely transformed our lives!
Denise retired from her job as the owner/operator of a bicycle shop, and has jumped head first into sharing the transformational power of the Passion Test with others.
Laurie resigned from her position as academic dean at her law school, and started The Gender Justice Project to share her passion for creating a better life for young girls and women around the world.
We never would have made these changes without first going through the Passion Test to clarify what was most important to us in our lives and our work.
The Passion Test is the quickest and easiest way to work with us and see if our approach resonates with you. We know first-hand the power of this system, and we love seeing people’s lives change as they implement the changes that emerge from the process.